Bag Lady
October 7, 2013
Every play takes you on a journey.
You dive into a new world and explore, opening doors, kitchen draws, drawing rooms or bedrooms finding out where the characters live, what they care about, what’s their point.
Human nature manifests itself over and over again, whilst we all try to work out what it’s all about.
At Hidden Gems Productions I have the utmost pleasure of being one of the first to read Marcia Layne’s new scripts. It’s a gift that pops into my inbox, I read straight away then sit for a while. With Bag Lady Marcia’s brand new work I stood up. When the truth hits you, it hits you hard.
I have lived with Bag Lady for the best part of this year and it has taken me to places I’d forgotten I knew about, made be burst out laughing and gasp almost in the same breath, explored places I was afraid to go to for fear of how painful those places can be, but I went because my job is to help tell the story Marcia has written. A play for our times.
It is a fierce and funny play.
It is the play we've been waiting for.
Eve tells it like it is and I’m glad she does because I feel stronger and ironically calmer than before because of it.
In rehearsals the play is evolving and that feels right. Flo Wilson has done a fine job finding Eve. The play feels almost organic and will grow and build, but for now it’s nearly ready to share where it is. I know it will be talked about, if you come please talk about it to us, to each other, to the world!
I hope to see you there.
Trust me this is a journey you don’t want to miss.
Posted by Hidden Gems Productions. Posted In : Bag Lady